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I am a freshwater biologist. I obtained my PhD at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) in biological sciences. I began my active biology life as a student studying marine environments, particularly rockfish and the use of marine protected areas at the University of Washington. After doing research in different areas, since 2009 I started doing research in the ecology and ecotoxicology in rivers and streams. I am especially interested in human effects: dams, introduced species, urbanization, and contaminants. 

Simposio Argentino de Ictiología
Ushuaia 2024


VI Congreso Lationoamericano de Macroinvertebrados Acuáticos
Guatemala 2023
VII Simpósio de Insetos Aquaticos Neotropicais
Belen, Brasil 2025



Córdoba (Argentina). Rivers under disturbances - Ecotoxicology and River Ecology

I am happy to be part of the "Laboratorio de Estudios Ecotoxicologicos y Ambientales en Animales" (IDEA- CONICET & Universidad Nacional de Cordoba) directed by Dr. Andrea Hued.


*Macroinvertebrates and fish

*Ecotoxicology and ecology

*Fatty acids analysis


I still remember when a little girl told me not to travel to Portugal because there

was a virus... my answer: "please, don´t worry... the virus is not a problem

in Portugal.

In collaboration with Ana Goncalves (MARE) & Manuel Graca (Universidade de Coimbra), in 2020 started evaluating changes in organisms quality (through fatty acids and other macromolecules) in response to different stressors.

*Fatty acids


*Metal contamination

muestreos marina 10-2019-9.jpg
muestreos marina 10-2019-24.jpg

April 2018 to April 2022, I move to Ushuaia (End of the World) and I studied macroinvertebrates as indicators of environmental impact.

*Biological invasions 


*other land-use changes

Sub-antarctic streams 

Since 2014, I started a new research area: urban rivers. I develop litter breakdown experiments and evaluate the macroinvertebrate assemblage associated to decomposition bags. My study areas are located in urban Pampean and Patagonian streams. I work under supervision and collaboration of Dr. Adonis Giorgi (INEDES) and Dr. Ricardo Albariño (INIBIOMA). 

As part of a "short internship" in Portugal, I got into a new and amazing world: ecotoxicological experiments. I have evaluate copper and uranium sublethal effects (feeding and growth rate, and enzymatic activities) on a trichopteran larvae. This project was done at the Universidade de Coimbra under Dr. Manuel Graça supervision.

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